Slice and Song #3: Lilikoi Chiffon Pie - Sweeter

Slice and Song #3 Lilikoi Chiffon Pie - Sweeter

It’s new video Monday! This weeks episode of Slice and Song features a super nostalgic (aka: Hamura Saimin Copycat) Lilikoi Chiffon Pie. Lilikoi is the Hawaiian name for passion fruit which I grew up foraging for and eating all throughout my childhood and beyond.

If you want to see a Hawaii girl lose her mind - show up with something lilikoi flavored! Lilikoi cupcakes, lilikoi margaritas, lilikoi chiffon pie... all of it.

I thought it was only fitting to perform “Sweeter” in this episode seeing as it is actually the only song of mine in which ukulele is the predominant instrument played.

Hope you enjoy :)


Episode #2 Banana Cream - A little bit crazy

Episode two of my new series Slice and Song is live! Banana Cream - A little bit crazy

Watch me make a pie and talk about my love hate relationship with bananas.

My song A little bit crazy was partially inspired by my very own parents (who are both amazing and wonderful and who I love very very much… and who both are a little cray).  

When I was filming the episode I called to ask my dad about the memory I have of him flying a kite for days and he casually remarked “yeah, I think it was up in the sky for over a week once - so high up it would get lost in the clouds”. 

New VLOG series!

Hey friends! Super fun news :)

I just uploaded my first ever VLOG. After years of wanting to start and multiple ultimately abandoned half assed attempts I am super excited to have followed through.

When we were in Hawaii this summer I was thinking about how I wanted to share and connect with people in a more informal way, but I wasn't comfortable just sitting in front of a camera and talking... I'm much more comfortable "doing". Laying on the beach in Hanalei I had the idea for a series where I would do a pie tutorial and then a live performance of one of my songs. I wanted to call it "A slice and a song". When I got back to Los Angeles I was talking to a good friend who recently started V-Logging about this idea (Tudor Williams) and he was like "We're doing this. See you on Monday!".

I was like "OMG NO I'M SCARED!". My fear of commitments (I take them very seriously) and a classic rampant bout of perfectionism gave me 1000 reasons why this wasn't a good idea, but with my family and friends by my side we took the plunge. I'm so glad I decided to do this because it was SO much fun, and honestly who doesn't love pie?

So there it is. I will be uploading a new VLOG every Monday on my youtube channel. The first six episodes are of "Slice and Song" and I'm not sure what will follow on the Mondays after that, but it's going to be SOMETHING fun.

Back on Track!

Just a quick little update on life lately.

My sweet little baby was born beautiful and healthy on March 12th here in Los Angeles. I have been truly savoring my time with him… but I know it’s time now TO GET BACK ON TRACK! 

I wish I could write a deep and poetic post about the joys of motherhood and how truly fulfilled I am (because YES to both of those things), but truthfully my time is painfully limited so it’ll have to be hot and sloppy for now.

Kayjez - A brand new Kayjez record will be released via Position Music on October 14th. YOU GUYS. I AM PSYCHED ABOUT THIS. I spent the last three months of my pregnancy and my first month with a newborn feverishly working on this project and I have to say - the hormones were magic (haha). I can’t wait to share it with all of you. More news to follow.

Youtube - I know I have been talking about it FOREVER but I am actually creating some super fun content and will start uploading weekly very, very shortly. I’m not completely sure how my channel will change, it depends on what people respond to and request, but I’m hoping it will be a way to bridge the gap between you and me. If you have ideas for what you would like to see me do, make, or sing, just shoot me an email at :)

Lastly, I just want to take a second to thank you if you are reading this. I truly appreciate every like, subscribe, and comment. I know the world is full of art and I’m honored you’re taking a second to check mine out.

Much Love,



Wow. It’s 2016! Another year gone, a new path ahead.

I’ve been sitting with a pretty big secret that literally gets bigger ever day. 

We’re expecting a new baby boy in 8 weeks! Many of you may not know that I am a mommy and have been for quite some time (my son Brandon turned 15 in December… what what what?!!!). I’ve always been super private about my life on social media, but I’m making it a goal to be more willing to share things I’ve held back in the past. 2016. Goals.

We’re all very excited and have waited a VERY long time for this baby. It seems impossible to focus on anything else (between tossing and turning all night, eating copious amounts of greek yogurt, crying for no apparent reason and watching hours of “The Midwives” on youtube), but life must go on and music must be made! I’ve been working on writing a new record for KAYJEZ over the last few months and we’re making awesome progress! I can’t wait to share it with you guys… 

With Love,


Oh hey, check out this picture of my baby... haha. He looks so cozy in there :) Is it weird to share a picture of your uterus online? 2016. Goals.